The Mulberry History Society embarked on its primary trip this week, taking to the Thames to explore the iconic HMS Belfast. This former Royal Navy warship, which served with distinction in World War II and the Korean War, offered a unique glimpse into life at sea during times of conflict.
As our students explored every corner of the ship, they gained a fascinating insight into what it would have been like to live, work, and fight aboard these vessels. From the cramped quarters to the bridge where crucial decisions were made, every aspect of life on board was laid bare, providing a captivating learning experience.
After exploring into the ship’s rich history, the group crossed Tower Bridge, taking in the breathtaking views of the City of London from one of the world’s most iconic landmarks. And what better way to refuel than with lunch opposite the majestic Tower of London? The proximity of modern-day London with its rich historical heritage was a perfect reflection of our society’s mission to inspire curiosity and appreciation for the past.
This trip marked an exciting milestone for the Mulberry History Society, and we look forward to many more adventures and discoveries in the future. By exploring our maritime heritage and the stories of those who have shaped our world, we aim to inspire our students to become curious, informed, and engaged global citizens.